Happy New Year my dear readers :)

Last year I posted some of my resolutions, and I did have growth in those areas however, I’m always looking for something new. I’m addicted to new, and it’s biblical so that’s ok. :)

In my daily discovery of blogs and new things, I happened upon the Blog of Impossible Things, by Joel Runyon. Let’s just say, my light bulb flicked on. His philosophy is that you can achieve the impossible everyday, by conquering your Impossible List instead of hoping to fulfill a bucket list. He redefined impossible, which lines up with my “everything is relative” approach to most things, to being things that are seemingly impossible for you. Under this theory, someone may have a bachelors degree as an item on the list or running a 5k, it’s not that it’s never been done, it’s that it seems an impossible thing for you to do at the moment – until you do it!

As such, I have decided to join Team Impossible, which will run concurrently with Team Body Morphology. I will publish my list soon, I’m still composing :P In the meantime, let me tell you about MiaMazin, she is one half of my personal training team (the other half is Kat) and she believes that you can become everything you hope of being with commitment, discipline and the right encouragement. She doesn’t believe in the cookie cutter one size fits all of fitness, but that we each have limitations and goals that we can eliminate and expand through proving to ourselves that we can.

She is a constant encourager and engager of people, and she has recently started blogging about health and fitness, even posting videos of her crazy. Check out her Double Push-ups and her Burpee to Pull Ups. She comes from a sporting background but due to an injury has changed her focus and developed into a multifaceted and valued trainer and an important resource in my Journey to Awesome.

With that, I say, go read their blogs, and figure out how you can morph into a conqueror of the impossible and be amazin everyday.